Spiritual Bathing to Welcome 2024 Year

Spiritual Bathing to Welcome 2024 Year

In the next few days, before 2024 comes, we invite you to join us for a spiritual cleansing of our body, mind, and soul, to wash off the old you that was stopping us or stressing us, and to open ourselves to divine joy and happiness with our spiritual purity.

Why do Spiritual Cleansings?

Today, in our fast-paced world, we live under stress. There is a lot of talk about stress; all our problems are attributed to stress, and of course, it is, but what exactly is stress?

Stress is a ball of negative energy that many of us produce and accumulate unconsciously every day, and the more we have that negative energy stuck to our body the more it predisposes us to produce more and more. So, let's end this vicious circle and remove the energy ties that are holding us back! The number one step in preventing stress and expelling negative energy is maintaining Spiritual Hygiene, and what better way to do that than with self love as the highest achievement.

What is Spiritual Hygiene?

Spiritual hygiene is something many people start to consider and maintain very well.

Every day, we somehow produce negative energy or interact with it, take it into us, carry it into our homes, and give it to our loved ones. This negative energy looks like a fog or a cluster and is stopping us from seeing the divine light that is always around us. When we don't see the light, our brain automatically excludes the light and does not manifest it into our reality.

Once our inner self notices some impurity, it starts a dialogue inside us, accusation, criticism, and then our vibration goes down. After that, we begin to have problems with our sleep, and doubts start to creep in….

With maintaining good spiritual hygiene, you start to fuel that light within you and those negative energies can’t stick as easily with your bright light.

How do you do a spiritual cleansing ?

There are many ways of spiritual cleansing : eating clean food, meditating, or simply taking a spiritual bath.


There are many ways of spiritual cleansing : eating clean food, meditating, or simply taking a spiritual bath.

With Rose Sensation Shower Gel - spiritual washing is a fairly easy and accessible technique that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine and will be an essential part of your overall spiritual growth. 
When our rose water is used in cleansing it holds the energy to help wash away all that negativity and shower the body and soul with love.

If we go back in history, we will see that many spiritual masters start their path with baptism. Don’t you see how important it is to begin your spiritual path with inner and outer purity?

Rosa Damascena and Spiritual Bathing

Rosa Damascene has been well known since ancient times in the esoteric world for its strong ability to wash off negative energy and clear psychic smog.

Rosa Damascene has been well known since ancient times in the esoteric world for its strong ability to wash away negative energy and clear psychic smog.
Rose Oil and rosewater will cleanse the spiritual impurity, quiet the mind, and filter the messages from our Higher Self. When we tend to the cleansing of our spirit, our minds will be calm and organized. Otherwise you start to feel lost within. We will feel light and happy.

We recommend daily spiritual washing to avoid such harmful energy accumulations.
Rosa Damascena can also calm and reduce anxiety, significantly improving your sleep and emotional balance. Regularly using our Rose Sensation body wash with spiritually potent natural ingredients will also improve our general tone and vitality as a combination of spirit, soul, and body. 

A spiritual bath to welcome the new 2024 year 

For the next few days of the remaining year, shower every day with your favorite Rosé Sensation Body Wash

While showering:

✨ Direct your intention to wash off the old you that has been holding you back during the past year and did not let you fly.

✨ Then turn your attention to the inner critic and wash it away. 
Imagine you are a beautiful rose that blooms early in the morning and has a wonderful aroma. You are that beautiful rose - so don't judge yourself. You are pure love.

✨ Direct your intention to your heart and the pure light it emits.
Focus your attention on the light that comes from within your heart  - Enjoy it- because this is you - pure light.

After you are done with the shower, dry yourself, and enjoy every day because life is beautiful, and you are the most important part of it. 

We recommend this practice to be done in the evenings.
A recipe for a spiritual bath to welcome the new year 2024 with pure heart

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